Staking Guide
Last updated
Last updated
To deposit: Users may choose from the following assets when minting afETH:
Users minting afETH using assets other than ETH will incur additional gas fees. This is due to the additional step needed to zap the token into ETH first.
Users using assets other than ETH will interact with the Zapper contract and will require an additional approval transaction.
For users looking to acquire OETH or stETH to mint afETH with for extra gems, the recommended DEX's to swap are below.
Staking Guide
Connect: Click ‘Connect Wallet’ to begin. Then, select your Wallet, and sign the proceeding message.
Stake ETH: The wallet has been connected when the address is visible in the top right, and a Balance appears under ‘ETH’.
Now, from the ‘Stake’ page, simply enter the amount of ETH you wish to stake (min. 0.05 ETH), click ‘Stake’ and approve the transaction in your wallet to receive your afETH.
This is where Asymmetry’s novel gas optimization shines, expect gas fees often sub $10 (gwei dependent).
Confirmation: Once the staking transaction is complete (often < 20 seconds), your afETH balance will show under ‘Balance’, and in the top-right corner. Your chosen wallet will likely show a ‘Successful transaction’ banner too, which upon click will direct to the Etherscan transaction.
Optional: Add afETH to your wallet: Adding these tokens to track is simple - to use Metamask as an example, click ‘Import Tokens’ and paste the following respective address:
afETH: 0x0000000016E6Cb3038203c1129c8B4aEE7af7a11
That’s it - It’s that simple to earn on your ETH.
As afETH is composed of 70% sfrxETH and 30% vlCVX, 30% of user deposits are locked for up to 16 weeks. As detailed in the afETH Functionality section, users can exit via Regular Unstake in up to 16 weeks (See more in 'Locking')
With that being said, there are two ways to unstake afETH:
Users who select Regular Unstake will receive the entire portion of their deposit that is held in sfrxETH (70%) immediately, in ETH.
The remainder of the deposit will be available to claim at a later date based on Convex locking and unlocking availability. The afETH contract uses the most efficient routing to ensure users are locked for the minimum amount of time.
Users may view the portion of their deposit that is unlocking in the Claims tab, including a date of request, amount, and unlock date. Users may return to the DApp on that date to claim their unlocked deposit, in ETH.
Instant Unstake
Users who do not wish to wait for their entire deposit to unlock may select the Instant Unstake option when withdrawing (if available).
Asymmetry facilitates the instant unstake by returning the user liquid ETH for a fee in exchange for the users afETH. Given that the protocol must wait until the user's CVX unlocks in order to be liquid, there is a fee and limited capacity for instant unstaking. Instant unstaking is only available for users withdrawing <2 ETH at this time.
Unstaking Guide
Navigate along the top row of the Staking Dashboard, select ‘Unstake’.
Unstake: You can select afETH near the top of the screen. Your balance of afETH will show as the wallet is connected. Select ‘Unstake’.
Approval: Approve the transaction in your wallet to receive your ETH.
Confirmation: Once the staking transaction is complete (often < 20 seconds), you will receive your ETH. Your chosen wallet will likely show a ‘Successful transaction’ banner too, which upon click will direct to the Etherscan transaction.