The Migrator, Gems, & CLEV Bonus

CVX Holders

Users who deposit CVX into afCVX will receive Gems as part of the Asymmetry Gem Rush! Users can view their ranking on the leaderboard here.

uCVX & pxCVX Holders

Users who deposit uCVX or pxCVX into afCVX will receive Gems + a CLEV migrator bonus to offset some of the fees associated with migrating from uCVX to afCVX. The CLEV tokens will be vested over a period of 3 months following the distribution. Users will receive 4% of their migrated value via CLEV tokens, in addition to Gems.

The charts below break down the cost, time, and opportunity cost of switching.

When migrating out of pxCVX/uCVX, users may choose whether they wish to withdraw the fastest (for the highest fees, up to 5%) or the cheapest (1%-1.25%) but takes up to 16 weeks to become liquid.

The following charts take the opportunity cost of capital into account. If a user selects the fastest (and most expensive) withdrawal option, they end up recouping their losses (and more) thanks to the increased APY of afCVX, in addition to the CLEV rebate (and this doesn't even account for 10x Gems Boost!)

These charts assume that a user withdraws and immediately deposits into afCVX, regardless of which path they take in order to ensure fairness and that all routes are evenly considered and accounted for when calculating opportunity cost.

How it Works

Migrating to afCVX from pxCVX/uCVX is a two step process. Users come to the Asymmetry DApp and select uCVX or pxCVX from the deposit dropdown. Enter the amount you wish to migrate, and press stake.

Upon confirmation of the transaction, users can see the amount they are migrating in the "Claim" tab under 'afCVX Claim'. Once the days shown below have elapsed, users can click the "Claim" button and their conversion to afCVX will be complete!

Gems accrue automatically and are distributed every Friday. Users CLEV rebate bonus will begin a 3 month linear vest at the end of the Migrator bonus period (September 15th). Users can claim their accrued CLEV at

Last updated